Proper Soil Sampling

Soil tests are recommended to be taken at a depth of 1-2 feet with a minimum of 10 sub samples combined to make one labsample, with the exception of pod testing where there would be one sub sample per vine/tree, or 6 to 8 sub samples per pod.

When sampling sites on berms, placement should be 12-18 inches from vine/tree towards middle then rotating as needed to stay on the berm, and 2-4 inches from shoulder. If drip irrigated, always sample in irrigated areas.

At Denele, our lab samples are research grade, so we weigh our soils and wash our tissue samples which allows us to tell you what is in the vine, not on the vine. This is different than most labs, so a difference can be expected from previous tests. This attention to quality in the lab and the vineyard is what separates the quality wines from the rest.